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Published on Feb 21 2022

Simplifying our MVP

We are still going in turns with our UX designer.

They come up with some great ideas, but there’s one problem:

Drag and drop is complex.

Development speed is crucial.

I’ll show you what they made and how we decided to cut down on features and simplify the editor. 👇

Content Editor

The basic problem is the content editor.

Have you used @NotionHQ or #Gutenberg editor? You always have the same problem: dragging and dropping a list of content items.

This is possible with #hotwire of @rails - but it’ll be a lot of effort.

What’s the problem?

Create a node

Once you can create a node anywhere in your content list then you also need to be able to order that list.

And how do you order a list?

It’d be drag and drop. There are not many better ##uxpatterns to choose from (or do you have an idea?)

What we want to do mostly:

  • Add a youtube video
  • Write the lesson
  • Link other lesson documents
  • Add a quiz All these will be widgets in the editor,

all will be editable with Hotwire.

Cool. What can we skip?

Keeping Widgets

Solution: We keep all these widgets, as we’d build them anyway.

But we give a static structure:

  • Creating a new document will make a static structure
  • No drag and drop

We saved some time now. Let’s see how long we can postpone drag and drop. At one point we need it.

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