We started coding since we were teenagers
We are fully remote, by heart and by choice.
Dipl.-Inf. Till Carlos
Meet the Founder
How Till worked as a freelancer for German + US clients
- Till co-founded a business in Germany called empuxa.com, that built custom software.
- In 2013 he left Germany to live in Asia. He started freelancing as a Ruby on Rails Senior developer.
- After seeing that many companies struggle with finding talent, he focused his company fully on building full teams.
- Till wrote his thesis at XING AG and is in the software business for 20 years now.
Teams need structure
How we manage teams- Bilyana joined with the first team and grew the company since then.
- We are following a clear Scrum process, with all our teams.
- She is the first Senior Project Manager at Pairing and now oversees the hiring and staffing processes.
Bilyana Vacheva, ex. Senior Project Manager, HR Manager
Openness and Sharing
There was a point in time where we needed outsourced teams ourselves. So we went ahead and searched for companies to help us.
We wanted
A lot of smart Engineers starting staffing companies, but all of them lacked a unified process and transparency.
So we built our company to address these points.
- be able to hand a project over anytime
- documentation
- code quality
- no overtime
- competitive salaries
- remote work
- who joins gets help progressing as a dev
- intelligence (developers + clients)
- flat hierarchy
- critical thinking
- communication
In the future: working with you is awesome
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