Reliability in Outsourcing

Meet the team and learn what Pairing is about

Meet our Teams
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We started coding since we were teenagers


We are fully remote, by heart and by choice.

TillDipl.-Inf. Till Carlos

Meet the Founder  

How Till worked as a freelancer for German + US clients

  • Till co-founded a business in Germany called, that built custom software.
  • In 2013 he left Germany to live in Asia. He started freelancing as a Ruby on Rails Senior developer.
  • After seeing that many companies struggle with finding talent, he focused his company fully on building full teams.
  • Till wrote his thesis at XING AG and is in the software business for 20 years now.
Read the company's blog under The Business of Software

Teams need structure  

How we manage teams
  • Bilyana joined with the first team and grew the company since then.
  • We are following a clear Scrum process, with all our teams.
  • She is the first Senior Project Manager at Pairing and now oversees the hiring and staffing processes.
BiliyanaBilyana Vacheva, ex. Senior Project Manager, HR Manager

Openness and Sharing

There was a point in time where we needed outsourced teams ourselves. So we went ahead and searched for companies to help us.

We wanted

A lot of smart Engineers starting staffing companies, but all of them lacked a unified process and transparency.

So we built our company to address these points.


Value Photo
  • be able to hand a project over anytime
  • documentation
  • code quality
Value Photo
  • no overtime
  • competitive salaries
  • remote work
Value Photo
  • who joins gets help progressing as a dev
  • intelligence (developers + clients)
Value Photo
Collaborative, Working style
  • flat hierarchy
  • critical thinking
  • communication

In the future: working with you is awesome

Is Pairing a company that resonates with you?

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Location:Pairing OÜ Sakala 7-2, 10141 Tallinn

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Phone:+1 929 260 1944

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